Slotted Rear Subframe

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One of the problems with installing lowering springs on an E21 is the huge amount of negative camber this causes in the rear suspension.  Since I drive my car on a daily basis during good weather, I wanted to fix this condition to save the rear tires from wearing unevenly.  The large negative camber also changed the handling of the car significantly by adding a lot of understeer.

During the winter of 2007 - 2008 I pulled the rear subframe from the car.  This is a pretty labor intensive project that involves removing the entire rear suspension from the car.

I purchased a set of camber and toe adjusters from Ireland Engineering that are made for a 2002.  These also work great on the E21 subframe.  I had a local shop do the actual subframe modification by fitting the adjusters to the subframe and welding them into place.  Here are some pictures of the modified subframe as well as some close-ups of the camber and toe adjusters.

Here are some pictures showing the modified subframe back in the car.  The camber adjusters provide a total adjustment range of 4 degrees.  I only needed about 1.5 degrees of adjustment.  The pictures show the camber adjustment at the limits of its range as well as a picture of the toe adjuster.





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This site was last updated 12/29/09